Basics of Choke Manifold System
Generally, a choke manifold system is defined as an arrangement of special valves and piping. It is employed to control the pressure encountered during the kick. During well testing, the choke manifold drilling rig is attached to the wellhead to permit downstream pressure and flow control for test components.
The choke manifold system manages well pressure fluctuations encountered during drilling by diverting flow through Wellcon pressure control valves and choke. These equipment are manufactured to the most stringent quality standards. It also includes specialized packages that significantly reduce manual handling and boost safety.
What Kind of Drilling Chokes are Used?
The drilling chokes used in the manifolds can be categorized into two main categories depending on the system used for choking.
Category #1: Two surfaces with openings are rotated against each other to restrict or permit the flow. One of its examples is the Swaco Super Choke, composed of two tungsten carbide plates with half-moon openings. One plate is fixed while the other is rotated hydraulically.
Category #2: The choking is achieved by inserting a tungsten carbide bean into a tungsten carbide sleeve. One of its examples is Cameron drilling choke.
Tips for Choke Manifold Installation
We bring you expert’s recommendation for the installation of the choke manifold to ensure operation safety.
• Upstream valves and chokes should have similar working pressure as the ram BOPs.
• Install the system in an accessible zone. Setting it at the outer region of the substructure rig is recommended.
• For 5000 psi and higher, it is advised to put two valves between the choke manifold and BOP.
• Ensure that one of the drilling chokes is hydraulically operated.
• When low temperatures are expected, use or heat the appropriate fluid to protect the manifold from freezing.
• The choke console or panel should deliver all the data required for efficient control of the well, such as pump stokes, casing pressure, and drill pipe pressure.
• The air used for operating the choke should be steady in volume and pressure. Choke manifold drilling rig air should always be inspected to deliver the required parameters.
• The choke console should be equipped with an emergency backup system, such as a manual pump.
Wrapping Up
The choke manifold system is used to lower the pressure from the wellhead. It is incorporated with a set of high-pressure valves and a minimum of two chokes. The chokes can be adjusted, fixed, or a mixture of both. For an efficient and quick installation, follow the tips shared above.
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